The products listed below have various licenses so please ensure you are aware of what you can and cant do with the products.
Here is the broad definition of the 3 different licenses available in this members area. You will see the type of license each product comes with directly under the image.
MRR – Master Resale Rights
Generally you can sell the rights for your customer to also resell the product. It can generally be edited and claimed as your own and this is the easiest and quickest way to get a product to market.
RR – Resale Rights
Generally you can sell this product as your own but you can not pass any rights to your customer to resell the product. This product therefore will have Private use only rights
PLR – Private Label Rights
These products can be edited or broken up into smaller packages or combined with other products to make a unique package only available from you. The license of each product must be read to ensure you are fully aware of what is allowed. It may offer PLR for personal use only so you can edit or repackage but only sell the product with personal use rights to your customer, if the license allows resale or even master resale rights you can then package up and sell for more.
Social Media For Internet Marketers

MRR Includes Mini site with sales page, squeeze page, graphics and ecovers
Click here to download
Solo Ad Blueprint

Includes MRR, Sales Page, Squeeze Page, ecovers, Transcripts, MP4 Videos
Please click here to download
Viral Traffic Secrets

MRR & Giveaway Rights Includes Reseller website, ecovers and graphics
Click Here to download
Explaining Google +

Includes MRR & Giveaway rights, sales page, ecovers, graphics and ebook
Please click here to download
Internet Marketing Survival Kit
Includes PLR/MRR & Giveaway rights, sales page, ecovers, graphics and ebook
Please click here to download
Pinterest Perfection

MRR & Giveaway Rights Includes Reseller website or sales page, ecovers and graphics
Click Here to download
How to Set up WordPress

Includes MRR & Giveaway rights, sales page, ecovers, graphics and ebook
Click here to download
WordPress Security

MRR Only, Includes Reseller website, ecovers and graphics
Click Here to download
Squeeze Pages Exposed

Includes PLR/MRR & Giveaway rights, sales page, ecovers, graphics and ebook
Click here to download
Essential Guide to Sales Funnels

Includes MRR& Giveaway rights, sales page, ecovers, graphics and ebook
Please Click here to download
Resale Rights Marketer

MRR Only, Includes Reseller website, ecovers and graphics
Click Here to download
Internet Marketing Road Map

MRR Only, Includes Reseller sales page, ecovers and graphics
Click Here to download
Outsourcing Secrets

MRR Only, Includes Reseller website, ecovers and graphics
Click Here to download
Product Creation

MRR Only, Includes Reseller website or sales page, ecovers and graphics
Click Here to download
Content Creation Handbook

MRR & Giveaway Rights, Includes Reseller website or sales page, ecovers and graphics
Click Here to download
Internet Marketing A – Z

Includes MRR& Giveaway rights, sales page, ecovers, graphics and ebook
Please click here to download
Capturing Customers

Includes MRR& Giveaway rights, sales page, ecovers, graphics and ebook
Please click here to download
More Subscribers

Includes MRR& Giveaway rights, sales page, ecovers, graphics and ebook
Click here to download
Beginners guide to video marketing

Includes MRR& Giveaway rights, sales page, ecovers, graphics and ebook
Please click here to download
Motivational Reading

Includes MRR & Giveaway rights, sales page, ecovers, graphics and ebook
Please click here to download
Secrets to a Millionaire mindset

Includes MRR & Giveaway rights, sales page, ecovers, graphics and ebook
Please click here to download