Try to follow this as close as possible and you will be ranking for some of your main keywords within a month or so.
Initial Promotion
You are launching a brand new website so as such you need promote it in a natural manner.
A typical launch of a new website before it starts to publish content in any quantity will see it listing in various directories and creating accounts as listed previously with the major social media networks ready to submit content.
A new venture needs powerful publicity so using a press release is a perfectly normal tactic to employ.
Submit your site to blog directories; I have included a list of blog directories that all provide a good free service. This will also provide you with a link back to your site.
Day 1 – 5
Publish your 5 pages of content 1 per day. Share on Google+ and post to your other social media and bookmarking sites.
Create a snippet and submit to socialadr
Day 6 – 36
Add 1 article per day written and researched to the previous specifications and publish following the steps above.
Start the press release strategy as detailed in the press release report contained in the download. The first release is published on day 6 and the strategy covers a 30 day period
Daily activity
Spend 30 minutes twice per day as a minimum to grow your social media hub. This will include for example,
Add 100 niche related people to your circles per day
Join 1 G+ Group and add 1 question per day that needs an answer. Look at the feeds and try to contribute to the topics being discussed.
Join 1 LinkedIn group and post 1 question and be active in the thread,
Set up email notification on all of your new contacts
Visit and leave comments on 50 posts
G+ most things you see during your time on G+
Share content x 20 times per day making sure to add a couple of lines with your take on the subject.
Add at least 3 posts of curated content and publish on your blog.
Share this content on Google + and other social media using bookmarking tools
Ask a question or create a mini survey that is niche specific that needs an answer once per week to your public feed
Days 5 – 15
Create a “spotlight on” or “connect with” section on your blog
Add top 20 – 50 major influencers in your niche
Email and tell them they have made the list, ask them to contribute to the information by providing a brief history or personal bio
Ask for a quote to use
Once this is set up you can simply remove the people who do not interact with others you find in the course of your engagement.
This is a very powerful strategy that if carried out correctly can elevate you to “the go to guy” in your niche very quickly not to mention the massive boost you will receive from the authority traffic
Day 10 onwards
In addition to adding new content as often as possible and following the publishing process outlined above you need to start to consider using leverage of your existing content to drive more traffic to your website.
Leverage Your Content to Drive More Traffic
Leverage is something that all the top marketers use to great effect to get their content out to a mass audience.
Using the power of leverage can produce much more exposure for the same content simply by converting your content into as many different forms of media as possible.
Let’s look at the options and associated costs if any to attracting many more visitors without much more work.
We will assume you have just published a blog post, let’s explore how much more traffic we can squeeze out of this content will very little additional work.
Create a Video
You tube is now essential not optional, Google+ has changed the “video” tab in your Google + profile page to “You Tube” and all of your YouTube videos are now automatically featured in your Google+ profile.
This will provide potentially massive exposure to all of your video content without any additional work whatsoever.
If you don’t feel up to staring in your own video and let’s face it not many of us do, take an article or blog post and break it down into 10 – 12 short to the point paragraphs of 3-4 sentences per paragraph and create a simple power point presentation.
Look on fiverr or fourerr (yes it does exist) and get it made into a simple video.
Create a pdf and submit to document sharing sites, here is the link to the best site
Create a PowerPoint slide show. If you are comfortable creating a power point presentation this is a great way to get traffic and back links for your content.
Here is the best site to submit to
If you don’t have PowerPoint or the time you can get a 10 – 15 slide presentation from fiverr and is well worth the investment.
Make sure you link all of your content back to your Google+ profile and money pages.
It’s all about engagement and the more opportunities you can create for people to find your content the better chance you have to make money.
It’s not complicated or even difficult providing you get in to a routine and stick to it.
If you do you will be amazed at the results you generate in a very short period of time.