July 2020 Deal Closing Secrets


“This step by step, 6 part video series takes you by the hand and shows you how to close deals without selling.”

Here’s a preview of videos included with this video series:


Video #1: Introduction

In this video, you will be given a quick overview of the video course as a whole, what tools you will need, how it all works, and much more. Having an idea of what we’ll be discussing in detail and how each video contributes to this video course will enable you to implement this system effectively to start.

Video #2: Objections

Do you know what the most significant objections are that companies have about online marketing services? If you’re not sure and start trying to use the same techniques as everyone else —- then guess what? They will treat you like everyone else and won’t even listen.

Video #3: Three Things They Want

Most marketers think companies care about the latest and greatest backlink methods. They don’t care about the fancy traffic tricks, backlinks, SEO, and more. The reality is that most businesses want results in the form of these three things.

Video #4: The Method

Now let’s discuss how you stand out from everyone else. If you hate selling, then you’re going to love this. It does take some hard work, and you may not get a yes every time, but you will get more yes’s than other methods.

Video #5: Method Expanded

Beyond this method – here are several ways to find potential leads and increase your chances of a YES.

Video #6: Setup Part 1

A lot of people are starting to want to approach all sorts of businesses. The best way to get companies to say yes is to do this one thing.

Sales letter and graphics

Demo Video



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